Research seminar at Oxford SPI

On October 24, Dr Jun Zhao talked about “Design for children’s autonomy” at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford.
As the department hosting the Global Parenting Initiative — an inspiring effort to expand access to free, evidence-based, playful parenting support in the Global South — we have had an excellent opportunity to share our knowledge and experiences in supporting parenting both digitally and in everyday life.
Read more about the research discussed in this talk:
Wang et al (2021). Protection or Punishment? Relating the Design Space of Parental Control Apps and Perceptions about Them to Support Parenting for Online Safety. CSCW 2021.
Zhao et al (2024). KOALA Hero Toolkit: A New Approach to Inform Families of Mobile Datafication Risks. In CHI24. https://doi/10.1145/3613904.3642283
Wang et al (2023). Treat me as your friend, not a number in your database: Co-designing with Children to Cope with Datafication Online. In CHI’23.
Wang et al (2024). CHAITok: A Proof-of-Concept System Supporting Children’s Sense of Data Autonomy on Social Media. In CHI24.