Research seminar at Oxford Institute for Ethics in AI

On November 6, 2024, Dr Jun Zhao presents “Moral Machinese for Children” at the Institute for Ethics in AI, University of Oxford.
This talk is a reflection of our ongoing research on integrating ethical principles into the process of child-centered design. The absract of the talk can be found below:
Moral machines are designed to make decisions that involve ethical or moral considerations, guided by certain ethical principles. While debates continue about what these ethical considerations should be and how best to clarify them, moral machines for children are even less understood. The principles become particularly complex when choices must be made between respecting children’s preferences or values and upholding their best interests. In this talk, I will draw on our various design and qualitative research experiences with children and families and discuss our research roadmap towards fostering children’s autonomy and agency in the age of AI – a key aspect of moral machines for children. I hope this talk will inspire discussions about what moral machines for children should entail and the challenges of implementing such systems in practice.
Read more about the research discussed in this talk:
Wang et al (2024). Challenges and opportunities in translating ethical AI principles into practice for children.. Nat Mach Intell.
Wang et al (2022). Informing Age-Appropriate AI: Examining Principles and Practices of AI for Children. . In CHI22.